Twenty three teachers and instructors completed their training in the Mytikas Method . | SMN NEWS

PHILIPSBURG:— National Institute of the Arts, the Mytikas Foundation from the Netherlands and SVOBE Schools, Sundial and Milton Peters College, collaborate this year by organizing a Positive Behavior through Arts Afternoon Program for students of Sundial and MPC. Imro Blom of the Mytikas Foundation facilitated training of 10 weeks for the afternoon program coaches into his Mytikas method. They learned and practiced many strategies to engage youngsters in a fun and educational way in the various art forms: dance, singing, drama, visual arts, photography, creative math, and youth philosophy. The aim for the youngsters is to develop their talent and, at the same time, crucial life skills such as collaboration, communication, focus, and initiative. Meanwhile, the afternoon program has started: every Monday and Wednesday after school at either MPC or Sundial School. The program has been made possible through funding from the Cultuurparticipatiefonds from the Netherlands.

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