Volunteers to Clean Up Mullet Pond. | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— On Sunday, December 15th, Environmental Protection in the Caribbean Foundation (EPIC) is organizing a cleanup of Mullet Pond. Working in partnership with Nature Foundation and Tri-Sport, volunteers will dive, kayak, and snorkel to clean up garbage and leftover hurricane debris from the waters of this important wetland. The cleanup is financially supported by Be The Change foundation while Island Water World is providing dive gloves for volunteers and VROMI is managing proper disposal of the waste collected.
Mullet Pond is an internationally-recognized wetland of importance and as such has been protected by the Ramsar Treaty since 2016, although

To read more: http://www.smn-news.com/st-maarten-st-martin-news/33488-volunteers-to-clean-up-mullet-pond.html